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This page explains how the Switch-Gig project will use your data, and the rights you have as a participant in this research.

Participation involves a workshop (as a paid contractor) and some pre-workshop activities (as a research participant). What follows is specific to your role as a research participant, and to the data you will generate in the pre-workshop activities.


In line with ethical expectations, we will seek your consent to participate where appropriate. Your participation in this study is optional, and if you do decide to take part, you will be given a paper copy of this information for your records, as well as a consent form for you to sign.


If you change your mind at any point during the research activity, you will be able to withdraw your participation without having to provide a reason to do so. Please contact Dr. Ben Kirman (ben.kirmanATyork.ac.uk) to withdraw.

Once the workshops begin, you
will be unable to withdraw, as the data will have been anonymised and collated, making the
extraction of individual data difficult.


All participation in this research will be treated anonymously. This means that all materials generated during the workshops, and prior to them, will have any identifying features removed. You will not be identified in any research outputs that may result from this work. Only the principal investigators and researchers will have access to the data produced by this work.

Data processing and security:

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the University has to identify a legal basis for processing personal data and where appropriate, an additional condition for processing special category data. In this study we will not be processing any special category data.

The University of York is committed to the principle of data protection by design and default, and this project will collect the minimum amount of data necessary for its purposes, in line with this commitment. 

The University of York has put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data, and all researchers involved will abide by these measures, and make use of the University services and protocols to do so.  For the purposes of this project, we will store data using University services provided by Google.

Further information on your rights as a research participant can be found in the full participant information sheet. You will be sent a copy of this to read, as well as a consent form to sign, should you express an interest in participating in our research.

[…] the complaints about the gig economy show it to be no worse than things are in the traditional workplace, at least for many people. Only you have someone telling you to put on pants in the latter and less so in the former.

Simon Constable for Forbes (2018)

Interested in participating?

Parcels waiting for collection in the post” by Mundoo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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